The Weleda Nature Study 2022 – protecting biodiversity

Biodiversity – the term is on everyone's lips. But what does it mean?

The Weleda Nature Study 2022 on biodiversity, asked Australians’ understanding of the term as well as its attitudes and commitment in a representative survey*.

The results for Australia show: Australians know what it means and already do a lot for the preservation of biodiversity in their everyday life. 

Indeed, biodiversity is, in a way, life insurance for us and future generations: plants and animals are essential to food security worldwide, we obtain raw materials for clothing and buildings from nature, and extracts of many plant species are used in medicine and skincare. Consequentially, the increasing number of reports that biodiversity is declining more dramatically than ever before is alarming.

At Weleda, nature in all its diverse forms is everything. We celebrated our 100th anniversary last year. Since our founding in 1921,  we have seen sustainable corporate practices as part of our responsibility and continue to set an example for the industry by implementing ethical and sustainable practices from growing our own ingredients to sourcing them from our partners worldwide. 


* Diversity? Indispensable! Weleda Nature Study 2022 on Biodiversity. Online Survey by Nielsen on behalf of Weleda. Sample: 1.016 persons of the Australian population from age 18, survey period 5–19 April 2022

What does biodiversity mean to Australians?

According to the Weleda Nature Study 2022,

58% of the Australians understand biodiversity to mean “diverse ecosystems or habitats”.

38% think of biodiversity as “wealth of species”

About a third of Australians (35%) associate the term with diversity within a species.

To more than one in four people in Australia (29%) it means healthy soils and uncontaminated water. Significantly more Australian people living in the city than in rural areas think of biodiversity as a balanced species ratio in nature (40% vs. 28%).

Australians believe biodiversity makes important contributions to us and our environment.

81% of Australians find it (very) important that ingredients in skincare products are not derived from endangered plant species and are obtained in an environmentally friendly and resource-saving way. Just as many people attach (great) importance to the ingredients being of natural origin (81%).

How do Australians contribute to the preservation of biodiversity in their everyday lives?

According to the Weleda Nature Study 2022, more than twice as many Australian people who live in urban areas think biodiversity contributes to our rest and recovery as do people who live in the countryside (14% vs. 6%). They also seem to attach greater importance to biodiversity’s contribution to slowing down climate change than Australians who live in rural areas (42% vs. 30%).

However there is room for improvement

But the results also show that, for some, theoretically wanting to protect biodiversity is greater than actual commitment. What is encouraging is that many Australian people believe that their individual actions in the area of sustainability can make a big difference.


At Weleda we believe in regenerative agriculture that puts the health and longevity of the soil first. After all, our 100% natural products rely on the health of the soil: a healthy soil = healthy plants = healthy products.

By ethically sourcing our raw ingredients, we work with, not against, nature’s cycles – safeguarding the health and vitality of the soil and all the grows from it.

Biodiversity starts with us!

Join our mission to help raise awareness about the importance of soil for the future of our planet. In Australia, we support the soil charity Carbon8, to help transition Aussie farmers to regenerative agriculture and support them to rebuild the carbon in their soil.

Join Weleda's mission