Mother laying down with baby

Top Tips For Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is a crucial chapter in the lives of many families, and one you may be about to start yourself. It’s a truly special time when a mother and baby are together laying the foundations of their relationship.

But it isn’t always plain sailing! New mums are often feeling pressure around the perfect breastfeeding experience and the expectations that come with it. We've enlisted midwife, mum and mother and baby consultant specialising in breastfeeding, Sharon Trotter, to share her clear and comprehensive expert tips to help you become a successful breast feeder.

Top tips for successful breastfeeding

Getting used to breastfeeding takes time. It is much easier if you have watched other mothers feeding and if you give yourself plenty of time to find the most comfortable position for you and your baby. Lack of support, conflicting advice, poor information and negative attitudes from others are all too common. To succeed, you will need plenty of support and encouragement and lots of practical tips.

  • Get your partner involved as their support is vital to your success.
  • Surround yourself with positive support from friends and family.
  • Go to a breastfeeding workshop in your area.
  • Get help with positioning and attachment from the start – this does not mean ‘hands on’ manipulation of mother and baby, just one-to-one explanation and reassurance.
  • Be inventive – there are 360° of attachment so finding the perfect position for you and your baby may take a while and a certain amount of trial and error. You will know when you have achieved this because feeding will be comfortable.
  • Breastfeeding should not hurt – if you are in pain get help from someone who really understands breastfeeding. To have a friend or a breastfeeding consultant who is experienced in breastfeeding would be a great help at this time. Support groups  such as the Australian Breastfeeding Association can be really helpful.
  • If your nipples do become sore:
    • correct your positioning and attachment to prevent any further damage
    • rule out tongue-tie as this could be the cause
    • once baby is well-attached the nipples should heal naturally, but seek help if the soreness persists and try a natural nipple cream to protect against cracking such as Weleda’s Nipple Balm.

Listen to your baby’s cues - breastfeeding can only work when it is baby-led.

Mother holding baby.
Father changing baby.
Woman breastfeeding a baby
  • Baby-led feeding (unrestricted) should always be encouraged, especially overnight (when hormone levels are higher), as this helps to promote and maintain a steady milk supply.
  • Stimulate your breasts - just the smell, sight and touch of your baby will help to do this. Breast massage with a natural massage oil can be very useful in the early days when engorgement is common.
  • Look after yourself by eating well and incorporating food and drinks that are known to boost your milk supply. Long before prescription drugs were available women used natural herbs. Over 400 herbs are used by mums around the world to help with milk supply and breastfeeding problems. This includes common foods like garlic, oatmeal, nuts, chickpeas, fennel, ginger and organic breastfeeding teas.
  • It takes around six to eight weeks for the delicate balance of milk supply-and-demand to be established, so chat to a lactation consultant if you feel you are struggling. Don’t be surprised if your baby loses weight initially, this is perfectly normal and to be expected. Your baby should soon reach their initial birth weight followed by regular weight gain, although this will vary from week to week. Breastmilk is a perfectly balanced food for your baby.
Woman holding a sleeping baby
  • Seek out local cafes and places that actively support breastfeeding, so you can feel confident and relaxed when you’re out and about. It’s a great way to meet other mums.
  • Try not to be separated from your baby - close contact (not necessarily skin-to-skin) greatly helps to stimulate milk-producing hormones. Baby-wearing (using slings or carriers) will have the same effect.
  • As long as your baby is waking up for feeds, taking feeds well and having wet and dirty nappies, you can be reassured that they are getting enough milk
  • It is not unusual for a baby to feed between 12 and 20 times a day in the early weeks, but this will settle down – promise!
  • Above all enjoy breastfeeding – with each feed you will get a rush of endorphins, which are basically ‘happy hormones’. This makes you and your baby feel good and is nature’s own stress-buster

Natural products that support breastfeeding and lactation

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