Arnica Massage Oil

Arnica Massage Oil

Warming muscle massage with arnica extract
Before and after sport or strenuous activity, warm up or warm down with a vigorous arnica oil massage.
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One of our signature products, Arnica Massage Oil is the essence of all-natural plant-based effective action. Pure plant oils from sunflower and olive are blended with extracts from arnica flowers and birch leaves to smooth the skin and maintain its elasticity. It simultaneously soothes and stimulates the skin’s natural regeneration. Prepare your body for sports with a massage that increases blood circulation, or warm down after vigorous activity with the stimulating scent of lavender and rosemary essential oils. You'll appreciate the benefits of this all-natural product whether you’re an athlete, an outdoor worker, or any active person who cares about their body.


  • Warming, toning and invigorating
  • Firms skin and maintains its elasticity
  • Stimulates the skin's natural regeneration
  • Dermatologically tested non-irritating to skin
  • Vegan
  • Free from synthetic preservatives, fragrances, colourants or raw materials from mineral oils



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Source of ingredients

1 From natural essential oils and/or plant extracts
How to use

For a massage, apply oil once per day to dry skin so that it is not absorbed too quickly. Do not apply to broken skin.

Customer reviews (14)

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