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Arnica Cream
Arnica Cream

Arnica Cream

Helps relieve mild joint & muscle aches, sprains and bruise pain
Promotes the healing process of bruises.
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Price including GST
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Weleda Arnica Cream is a traditional Western herbal medicine to relieve mild joint and muscle aches and inflammation, sprains and bruise pain. Promotes the healing of bruises. Ideal for your family’s First Aid Kit and Sports Bag for use in injuries and after exercise.

Each 1g contains: Tincture, equiv. dry: Arnica montana, flower 27mg; Arnica montana, root 3mg; Oil extract, equiv. dry: Arnica montana, flower 20mg; and essential oils: Abies pectinata, leaf (Silver fir) Oil 600microgram; Lemon Oil Distilled 2mg; Orange Oil 1mg; Rosemary Oil 2.1mg; Sage Oil Spanish 300 microgram; in a base containing natural vegetable oils and beeswax. Contains alcohol 7.5% v/v.
Contains sesame seed and tree nut products.


  • Helps relieve mild joint & muscle aches, sprains and bruise pain
  • Promotes the healing process
  • Free from synthetic fragrances, preservatives, parabens and free from petrochemical derivatives, e.g. paraffins



How to use

Directions (Adult/Children): Gently massage a small amount into the affected area, three to four times daily in the acute stage and twice daily as the condition improves, or as directed by your health professional.
Warnings: Do not apply to broken skin.
Keep out of reach of children. For external use only.Store below 30° C.
If symptoms persist, talk toyour health professional.

Customer reviews (4)

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{{ this.aggregation.sumReviews }} Reviews

Verified Review

The “Verified Review” badge ensures that the review was submitted by a customer who either purchased the product via our webshop or we can otherwise ensure that they received the product (for example by participating in a product trial team).

Weleda Trial Team

Reviews were submitted by customers who received our products during product sampling campaigns for their honest opinions.


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Verified Review
