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Baby Teething Powder, Oral Powder, 60g
Baby Teething Powder, Oral Powder, 60g
Baby Teething Powder, Oral Powder, 60g

Baby Teething Powder, Oral Powder, 60g

Homoeopathic Medicine
Baby Teething Powder helps relieve the discomfort and restlessness of teething in babies and children. Traditionally used as an anthroposophic and homoeopathic medicine.
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Price including GST
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Price including GST
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Price including GST
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Teething can be an uncomfortable and stressful time for both you and your baby, but it is an important milestone in your baby’s development. Swelling and redness of gums and cheeks, wanting to bite down on something, drooling and irritability are some of the signs your baby could be experiencing pain and discomfort associated with teething.

Contains equal parts of Matricaria Chamomilla, root 20x Oyster shell (Conchae: Calc. carb.) 6x Homoeopathic Medicine Oral Powder 60g net.
Free from synthetic preservatives. Contains lactose and mollusc products.

Cautions and advice
Keep all medicines out of reach of children. Do not use if seal is broken. Store below 30°C, away from direct sunlight and strong smelling substances.

Homoeopathic Medicine. ALWAYS READ THE LABEL AND FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS FOR USE. If symptoms persist, talk to your health professional. Traditionally used as an anthroposophic and homoeopathic medicine.


  • Helps relieve the discomfort and restlessness of teething in babies and children



How to use
Natural baby teething remedy

Give 1/4 level 5mL teaspoon (equiv.1g) of powder in a teaspoonful of warm water, or can be given straight to babies used to eating solids, 3 to 4 times daily throughout the teething period, or as directed by your health professional. Can be given as often as every 15 minutes for up to 6 doses if required.If symptoms persist, consult your health professional.

Learn more about how to use Baby Teething Powder and frequently asked questions.

Customer reviews (10)

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