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Calendula Toothpaste
Calendula Toothpaste
Calendula Toothpaste
Calendula Toothpaste

Calendula Toothpaste

Mint-free toothpaste with natural plant extracts and minerals
The perfect toothpaste for anyone using homeopathic medicines. Peppermint-free, fresh-tasting fennel formula with natural ingredients.
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{{this.selectedProduct.price.originalPrice | formatPrice | currency }}
{{this.selectedProduct.price.price | formatPrice | currency }}
Price including GST
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{{this.selectedProduct.price.price | formatPrice | currency }}
Price including GST
{{this.selectedProduct.price.originalPrice | formatPrice | currency }}
{{this.selectedProduct.price.price | formatPrice | currency }}
Price including GST
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In Calendula Toothpaste every ingredient counts towards fresh breath. Anti-inflammatory calendula helps soothe sensitive gums, calcium mineral has a gently abrasive action, and natural essential fennel oil gives a fresh, pleasant taste. No peppermint, so there’s no counter-action to homeopathics, and your mouth stays fresh and clean on nature’s own terms.


  • Natural cleansing and protection for teeth and gums
  • Ideal when taking Homeopathic medicines
  • Certified natural dental care
  • Vegan
  • Free of sugar, artificial sweeteners, surfactants, synthetic preservatives, flavours, colourants, or raw materials derived from mineral oils



Calendula Officinalis Extract

Calendula Extract

Calendula Officinalis Extract

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Source of ingredients

1 From natural essential oils and/or plant extracts
Bold represents organic ingredients
How to use

Regular brushing keeps mouth, teeth and gums healthy and avoids the build-up of plaque. For children over 6 years, we recommend a pea-sized amount.

Customer reviews (9)

{{ this.aggregation.averageRating | number:1 }}

{{ this.aggregation.sumReviews }} Reviews

Verified Review

The “Verified Review” badge ensures that the review was submitted by a customer who either purchased the product via our webshop or we can otherwise ensure that they received the product (for example by participating in a product trial team).

Weleda Trial Team

Reviews were submitted by customers who received our products during product sampling campaigns for their honest opinions.


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{{}} ({{ getReviewSourceLabel(review.reviewSource) }})
Verified Review
