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Children's Tooth Gel
Children's Tooth Gel

Children's Tooth Gel

Natural care for children’s sensitive milk teeth
Get your children into good toothcare habits with our pleasant-tasting non-fluoride toothpaste – especially for first teeth.
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Price including GST
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Price including GST
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{{this.selectedProduct.price.price | formatPrice | currency }}
Price including GST
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Children’s Tooth Gel looks after new and developing teeth and provides natural protection against cavities forming. With extracts of organic calendula flowers to keep gums healthy, silica for thorough cleaning and natural flavours of fennel and spearmint, it makes cleaning teeth a happy ritual. There are no ingredients which could cause harm if swallowed – no fluoride either. It’s everything good you want for your child’s first teeth, naturally.


  • Gentle effective cleanser with pleasant-tasting, natural essential oils
  • Silica gently cleans teeth to help avoid the build-up of plaque
  • Fluoride-free
  • Free of sugar, artificial sweeteners, surfactants, synthetic preservatives, flavours, colourants, or raw materials derived from mineral oils
  • No ingredients harmful if swallowed
  • Certified natural dental care developed with dentists’ advice



Calendula Officinalis Flower Extract

Calendula Flower Extract

Calendula Officinalis Flower Extract

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Source of ingredients

1 From natural essential oils and/or plant extracts
Bold represents organic ingredients
How to use

Regular brushing with Children’s Tooth Gel twice daily helps prevent build-up of plaque and protects against tooth decay.

Customer reviews (7)

{{ this.aggregation.averageRating | number:1 }}

{{ this.aggregation.sumReviews }} Reviews

Verified Review

The “Verified Review” badge ensures that the review was submitted by a customer who either purchased the product via our webshop or we can otherwise ensure that they received the product (for example by participating in a product trial team).

Weleda Trial Team

Reviews were submitted by customers who received our products during product sampling campaigns for their honest opinions.


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{{}} ({{ getReviewSourceLabel(review.reviewSource) }})
Verified Review
