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Refresh Body Wash - Citrus
Refresh Body Wash - Citrus

Refresh Body Wash - Citrus

A fresh, zesty cleansing wash to wake you up under the shower
Lemons and oranges, a bright wake-up call to the senses, gently cleanses your skin – and it makes you feel happy.
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Price including GST
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Price including GST
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Lemon equals freshness and its scent has an immediate positive effect on your spirits. With our Refresh Body Wash - Citrus, 200ml you’ll enjoy freshly cleaned skin and an uplift to your senses, all wrapped in a natural cleansing wash that moisturises all over. With essential lemon oil for a bright, lively scent. Wake up, shower and add zest to your day!


  • Gentle cleansing and moisture loss protection
  • Dermatologically tested
  • Vegan
  • Free from synthetic fragrances, colours, preservatives and raw materials derived from mineral oils



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Source of ingredients

1 From natural essential oils and/or plant extracts
Bold represents organic ingredients
How to use
Woman smiling in shower.

Apply generously all over your body while in the shower or bath. It effectively cleanses without producing excessive lather.For extra moisture follow with our Refreshing Body Lotion - Citrus.

Customer reviews (3)

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{{ this.aggregation.sumReviews }} Reviews

Verified Review

The “Verified Review” badge ensures that the review was submitted by a customer who either purchased the product via our webshop or we can otherwise ensure that they received the product (for example by participating in a product trial team).

Weleda Trial Team

Reviews were submitted by customers who received our products during product sampling campaigns for their honest opinions.


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{{}} ({{ getReviewSourceLabel(review.reviewSource) }})
Verified Review
