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Skin Food Light and Lip Balm Set
Skin Food Light and Lip Balm Set
Skin Food Light and Lip Balm Set
Skin Food Light and Lip Balm Set
Skin Food Light and Lip Balm Set
Skin Food Light and Lip Balm Set
Skin Food Light and Lip Balm Set

Skin Food Light and Lip Balm Set

A lighter option to hydrate and nourish parched dry skin and lips. SAVE $4.20
A lighter option for nourishing dry skin when the weather takes its toll on your skin. From an oil-based Lip Balm to our Skin Food Light , the nourishing bases of sunflower seed oil, beeswax, and lanolin will give your skin the deep hydration it needs.
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{{this.selectedProduct.price.price | formatPrice | currency }}
Price including GST
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{{this.selectedProduct.price.price | formatPrice | currency }}
Price including GST
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{{this.selectedProduct.price.price | formatPrice | currency }}
Price including GST
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The perfect set to hydrate and nourish your skin and lips when you need immediate, intensive moisture. From an oil-based Lip Balm to our lighter version Skin Food Light, the nourishing bases of sunflower seed oil, beeswax, and lanolin will nourish your skin for a hydrated, healthy-looking glow.

This set includes:
Skin Food Light, 75ml
Skin Food Lip Balm, 8ml

See individual products for their ingredients.


  • Intensive nourishment and protection for very dry skin and chapped lips, leaving them soft and supple
  • Forms a protective barrier against external influences like cold weather and dry indoor aircon



How to use
Girl applying Skin Food Light to her arm
Skin Food

Apply to very dry or rough skin patches on the body or face and massage in gently. Also ideal applied night and morning to hard-working hands, or as a rich night-time treat for facial skin.

Girl applying Skin Food Lip Balm onot her lips
Lip Balm

Apply over lips for smooth hydration.

Customer reviews (1)

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{{ this.aggregation.sumReviews }} Reviews

Verified Review

The “Verified Review” badge ensures that the review was submitted by a customer who either purchased the product via our webshop or we can otherwise ensure that they received the product (for example by participating in a product trial team).

Weleda Trial Team

Reviews were submitted by customers who received our products during product sampling campaigns for their honest opinions.


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{{}} ({{ getReviewSourceLabel(review.reviewSource) }})
Verified Review
