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Smoothing Night Cream - Wild Rose
Smoothing Night Cream - Wild Rose

Smoothing Night Cream - Wild Rose

Rich night time face cream, nourishes and smoothes
Bring the roses to your cheeks in night’s secret hours, with the richness and fragrance of our smoothing night cream.
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Price including GST
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Price including GST
{{this.selectedProduct.price.originalPrice | formatPrice | currency }}
{{this.selectedProduct.price.price | formatPrice | currency }}
Price including GST
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Reduced depth of wrinkles*

*Tested after 28 days
During the magical hours of darkness, Smoothing Night Cream - Wild Rose works wonders on tired, dry and thirsty skin. Organically-grown wild musk rose seed-oil blends with evening primrose, myrrh and other natural ingredients, working hard as you rest. Skin is nourished, replenished and helped to regenerate – so you greet the new day looking refreshed, relaxed and radiant.


  • Helps regenerate the outer layer of skin during the night
  • Softens first lines, smoothes and hydrates
  • Nourishes and works to preserve skin vitality and bounce
  • Dermatologically tested
  • Certified natural, free from synthetic preservatives, fragrances, colourants or raw materials derived from mineral oils



Rosa Moschata Seed Oil

Rosehip Seed Oil

Rosa Moschata Seed Oil

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Oenothera Biennis (Evening Primrose) Oil

Evening Primrose Oil

Oenothera Biennis (Evening Primrose) Oil

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Source of ingredients

1 From natural essential oils and/or plant extracts
Bold represents organic ingredients
How to use

Apply just enough cream each evening to absorb well into the face, neck and décolletage, after cleansing and toning.

Customer reviews (2)

{{ this.aggregation.averageRating | number:1 }}

{{ this.aggregation.sumReviews }} Reviews

Verified Review

The “Verified Review” badge ensures that the review was submitted by a customer who either purchased the product via our webshop or we can otherwise ensure that they received the product (for example by participating in a product trial team).

Weleda Trial Team

Reviews were submitted by customers who received our products during product sampling campaigns for their honest opinions.


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{{}} ({{ getReviewSourceLabel(review.reviewSource) }})
Verified Review
