Weleda Recycling Program

Mix of Weleda products

We are delighted to provide a recycling program at Weleda. We are working with TerraCycle to bring you a program we hope you'll love and it's very easy and free of charge for you to use. Send back any Weleda packaging that is hard to recycle in your kerbside collection and we will collate them and get them to TerraCycle to be recycled into park benches or playground equipment.

What does TerraCycle do?

Started in the US in 2001, TerraCycle helps to eliminate waste by recycling the nonrecyclable. Terracycle can collect, and recycle, almost any form of waste – from coffee pods to chip bags, Terracycle makes new products out of waste. 

Product tubes icon

Step 1

Keep your Weleda box (or another box) and start filling it up with empty tubes, lids, pumps and containers of Weleda products. If your local council has a recycling program recycle what you can there; use our service for things that can't be recycled in your collection. Make sure your containers are clean and free of any residual product or water. We only want to recycle the packaging, not any left-over products. 

Mail icon

Step 2

Once you have filled your box (ideally 10 or more products) simply email us to [email protected] and ask for our free reply paid address. Take your box to your local post office and we will handle everything from here.

UEBT tree

Step 3

We will then collect and send all Weleda packaging that is not recyclable in your kerb side clean-up to Terracycle to be recycled into park benches or playground equipment.

Recycling program FAQs

Q. What can I send?

A. If it is a Weleda Product you can send the packaging back to us. But if your council has a recycling program please recycle what you can in that program first and only send us what can't be recycled there.

Q. Can I send you product packaging that I haven't bought from you?

A. Sorry, at this point we can't recycle other products than Weleda packaging.

Q. How should I send it?

A. Pack it all in your Weleda box, or any other boxes you have handy. We kindly ask you to collect as much empty Weleda packaging as possible and not send in single products. Remember to make sure your tubes and bottles are free of residual product and clean.

Q. Any tips on cleaning the tubes?

A. There is no need to wash your packaging before returning, however the packaging should be as empty as possible, i.e. excess product removed.

Q. Do I have to pay delivery?

A. No we will cover the cost for the delivery. Email us to [email protected] to get our free reply paid address details.

Q. Can I drop off my box to you?

A. Absolutely, we'd love to say hello. Feel free to grab all your friends' Weleda recycling and drop it off at our warehouse, Monday to Friday from 10am – 4pm at Weleda Australia Pty Ltd, Unit 16 / 2 Daydream Street Warriewood NSW 2102. 

If you have any questions about the recycling program please do not hesitate to contact us.